Drupal Iberia 2024 Experience

Drupal Iberia 2024 was a landmark event that successfully brought together the vibrant Drupal communities of Portugal and Spain. This event marked the first significant collaboration between Associação Drupal Portugal (Portuguese Drupal Association) and Asociación Española de Drupal (Spanish Drupal Association), fostering innovation, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing within the Drupal ecosystem. The city of Évora , a UNESCO World Heritage site, was the designated location to receive the Drupal event, as it provided a rich cultural backdrop, making it an ideal location for this significant gathering. [Read More]

How to create a new schema in GraphQL

In order to access data from your own content types you need to create an access point which is based on a schema. A schema defines a hierarchy of types with fields that are populated from your backend data stores. The schema also specifies exactly which queries and mutations are available for clients to execute. The first step that is recommended, is to create a custom module in Drupal like you would normally do. [Read More]

My Journey to Acquia Site Studio Certification

Acquia Site Studio Certification - Leolando Tan, Merkle DACH As I set out to take and pass the Acquia Site Studio certification, I really had mixed feelings about it as it’s like a Drupal module but is something totally new at the same time. While I knew my way around a Drupal site, Site Studio was a whole new world to me. Since I’m eager to learn something new and grow, I started to dive into it right away! [Read More]

Installation of GraphQL

If you wish to start a new Drupal project with GraphQL or add it to the existing one I would wholeheartedly recommend using Acquia CMS Starter Kit that is specifically designed for the headless approach. There are fewer options in this CMS (e.g. no theming options) so that you can dedicate as much time as possible to the headless option. Acquia CMS is intended to preconfigure Drupal to serve structured, RESTful content to mobile apps, smart displays, frontend driven websites, etc. [Read More]

Drupal GraphQL Overview

GraphQL is an open-source language for APIs that allows us to query and manipulate data. GraphQL uses one exported endpoint to retrieve structured data, just the way a client asked for. Since GraphQL has the ability to get the data from separate sources and combine them in a single response, we can conclude that GraphQL is very versitile and isn’t tide to any specific storage engine or database. GraphQL had its beginnings in 2012, but the first release was in 2015. [Read More]

Merkle DACH has won the 2023 Acquia Partner Advocate of the Year Award for the EMEA Region!

Merkle Acquia Partner Advocate of the Year 2023 We are very happy and proud to have received this award! With Acquia’s open DXP and its composable, feature-rich products, we are always able to create tailor-made solutions for every client need. In addition, our collaboration with everyone at Acquia is always very pleasant and collegial. We are delighted about the great partnership and are looking forward to further joint projects in the future! [Read More]

Acquia Site Studio - Custom components with Twig Nitro

This is a follow-up of the Acquia Site Studio - Custom components blog post. We are going to use Nitro in the Twig templates. Frontend integration with Twig Nitro Bridge Twig is a modern template engine for PHP used by Drupal. Twig Nitro Bridge is the extension to use the Nitro components in Drupal’s Twig templates. Nitro is a Node.js application for frontend development with a tiny footprint. It provides a flexible structure to develop frontend code, even in a large team. [Read More]

Acquia Site Studio - Custom components

Until Site Studio version 6.9.0, creating components was only possible using the UI. With version 6.9.0, Site Studio has been enhanced with a new function that allows developers to create their own components by coding them with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Developers will be able to extend Site Studio capabilities by defining their own custom components. This will enable Site Studio to have functionality that previously could not be built with Site Studio elements. [Read More]

Acquia Site Studio - Create components using UI

Components Acquia Site Studio components provide a flexible layout system for editors and site builders. Components are mini templates with customized edit forms, offering flexibility in design. They can be added and blended on the Layout Canvas to craft new layouts. Editors find them particularly valuable for creating pages where content and layout requirements defy a rigid template structure. These components encompass editable content, styles, and various settings. Component becomes a versatile asset, they can be reused on the same page or across different pages, each instance accommodating different content and settings. [Read More]

Acquia Site Studio - get started!

Acquia Site Studio Site Studio, formerly known as Cohesion, is an Acquia solution for Drupal to build a low-code and component-based website. The tool offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, making it easy for non-technical people to effortlessly create and modify web pages. Adding content, updating content, and making simple design adjustments are all easily achievable with this solution. The key features are: Low-code / no-code Component-based approach Powerful visual user interface Traditional enterprise-grade websites typically involve collaboration among teams specializing in software, design, and digital marketing, with marketing often having to wait until the final stages to contribute content. [Read More]